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Pupils  »  Curriculum Champions

At Forest, our Curriculum Champions work alongside Mr Kennedy and our subject leaders to ensure that every subject is enjoyable, memorable, empowering and valued throughout our school. Curriculum Champions work together with their subject leader, to support their peers, share learning, celebrate success, discuss action plans, collate pupil voice and share their knowledge of the curriculum at Forest. 


I am the Maths Curriculum Champions at Forest and I am obsessed with MATHS! Over the last few years, I have enjoyed participating in the TTRS tournaments, using I am learning to access challenges and challenging my friends to maths battles. I can’t wait to see what the Arithmetic is like throughout the school and see other children challenging and pushing themselves to be the best that they can be.

Hi, I am the Computing Curriculum Champion (or IT master as I’m sometimes referred to!). This is my second year working with Mr Deegan to ensure children can use technology safely, to understand and change the world they live in. I’ll be in lots of computing lessons across the school to share my own experiences of the strands and I also have a weekly slot in EYFS once a week.

Hello, as the Writing Curriculum Champion I have had the opportunity to work with Miss Lythe in our writing lessons and I have loved the chance to express myself when writing. I also love reading which is where my love of writing initially developed and one day I hope to become a world renowned author. I love reading the variety of writing on the Wall of Fame produced by each class.

This is my second year as the Art Curriculum Champion, last year I had the opportunity to visit classes, who were teaching Art, and work with Miss Padgett to develop the curriculum and share the changes to my class. This year, I look forward to seeing how the new focus on artists engages and inspires the art we produce.

We are the PE Curriculum Champions and we are championing our favourite subject at Forest! Our PE lessons are inclusive for all and we learn and develop a variety of skills which encourage us to live healthy and active lives. We love PE and enjoying supporting Ash (our favourite PE coach) in lessons, at break and lunchtime, especially when thinking of new games and activities to play on the playground.

At Forest it’s impossible not to LOVE reading! As Reading Curriculum Champions, we’re both extremely opinionated when it comes to reading and so far this year we have thoroughly enjoyed and critiqued all of our class novels. We’re (both) also only a few stars away from completing our star reader bookmarks! We can’t wait for World Book Day so that we can lead the assembly with Miss Lythe.

Hello! As the Forest Music Curriculum Champion, I will work with Mrs Gillanders and Mr Townsend to make sure that our Music curriculum engages and inspires children to develop a love of music. I love our music lessons at Forest and enjoy creating and performing pieces to the class. I'm looking forward to playing more instruments and seeing the love of music throughout school from EYFS to Year 6.


Hola! I’m the Spanish (MFL) Curriculum Champion. At Forest children love speaking, reading, writing and our favourite…SINGING in SPANISH! I’m grateful to be Spanish Curriculum Champion as I love the thought of travelling to Spain and using my newly learned language skills to communicate when I’m there.

Hello! We are the PSHE & RE Curriculum Champions and as part of our whole school approach to PSHE, we are looking forward to working with Mrs Jordan to ensure our pupils are thriving as happy, healthy, independent and responsible members of society. Religious Education is extremely important and valued at Forest and we want to support the learning of the main religions by creating more experiences, visits and trips for our Foresters.


Science at Forest is never the same, it’s packed full of the craziest, most explosive experiments and as mini scientists we’re able to lead these experiments and analyse them as we change the variables. This year, I have enjoyed focusing on specific scientists like Isaac Newton and Galileo Galilei. I will work with Mrs Westwood to share our Science curriculum and help to monitor the progress and outcomes across the school.

Hello! We are the PSHE & RE Curriculum Champions and as part of our whole school approach to PSHE, we are looking forward to working with Mrs Jordan to ensure our pupils are thriving as happy, healthy, independent and responsible members of society. Religious Education is extremely important and valued at Forest and we want to support the learning of the main religions by creating more experiences, visits and trips for our Foresters.

Ever since I started at Forest I have loved phonics. I can’t wait to start working with Miss Wheater and have a chance to observe Phonics in a different phase. I’m sure they’ll all have their left hand palm facing ready in every lesson. I wish we could do phonics every day, as it’s helped me so much when applying spelling rules.

Hello, I’m the History Curriculum Champion! What I love most about being a Curriculum Champion is how I get to share our History curriculum next steps with visitors in school and in our half termly meetings with the other Champions. I will be working with Mr Kennedy (History Subject Leader) to improve the quality of teaching of History by ensuring the knowledge is remembered, that pupils know more about the past and how it impacts us today.

I am the Geography Curriculum Champion. My job is to improve the quality of Geography lessons across school and ensure that our outcomes and expectations are high, especially when it comes to sharing our knowledge on a double page spread. As it’s taught in half termly blocks, I can’t wait to work with Mrs Moody to see the work produced and see the Geography teaching across school.

Hello Foresters! I’m the Inclusion Champion at Forest and I want children to experience the inclusivity I experienced when I joined Forest. I’m always out on the playground helping and supporting people in the different areas. We’re all different and we need to celebrate that as one.

Hello! I’m the Design & Technology Curriculum Champion and I applied to be a Curriculum Champion this year because I love designing, making and evaluating my own creations. I can’t wait to analyse the new creations with Miss Mowbray and share them in assembly.