The Forest Academy

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Pupils  »  Clubs and Activities

At Forest we like to offer our children a whole range off different exciting clubs/ activities which take place at school 3:00-4:00pm after school. We are very lucky that we have a fantastic staff team who freely give up their time to run the clubs here at Forest.
After school club applications are completed online via Arbor Parent Portal. 

Please see the school office if you would like more information about how to sign your child up for an after school club! 

Below is a current list of the clubs we are offering to 24-03-25.

KS1/ KS2 Spanish
KS2 Computing
KS1/ KS2 TT Rockstar's
KS2 Microbit's
KS1/ KS2 Games
KS1/ KS2 Disney
KS1 Baking
KS1/ KS2 Dodgeball
KS1/ KS2 Lego
FS2 How to Draw

KS1/ KS2 Biscuit Bingo
Forest Explorers
KS1/ KS2 Crafts
KS1/ KS2 Barbie
FS2 Lego
KS1/ KS2 Hama Beads
Young Voices

KS1/ KS2 Multisports
FS2 Craft
KS1/ KS2 Colouring

KS1/ KS2 Film Club
KS1/ KS2 Chromebooks
FS2 Reading & Colouring