Webster Stratton
Webster Stratton is an evidenced based, highly researched parenting program. The intervention places an emphasis on strengthening parenting competencies and fostering parenting involvement in a childs school experience to promote childrens academic, social and emotional skills and reduce behavioural / conduct difficulties.The intervention is offered by CAMHS via waiting lists (very long ones) therefore to be able to offer it to our parents in school is brilliant
Parent Thrive Workshops
Mrs Clowrey, Assistant Headteacher and SENCo lead along with Mrs Duffield, family and learning mentor completed a Thrive workshop with a group of our parents. Check out these great triune brain models!
Food Parcels
The Forest Academy is a partner to Barnsley Food Banks, an organisation which helps local people in crisis. If you are living in food poverty or facing difficulties, please speak to Miss Galley or Mrs Duffield as they may be able to provide you with a Food Bank voucher which can be redeemed against food and those everyday necessities.

SATs Coffee mornings
These sessions enable parents and carers to find out more about Year 6 SATs and even provide them with the opportunity to try a SATs paper for themselves! Mental health and emotional wellbeing are also at the centre of the sessions with the importance of routines, sleep and strategies to promote confidence/self esteem being discussed.
Here at The Forest Acdemy we offer a range of adult workshops and training courses. The range of courses available are shown below and we encourage you to speak with Mrs Duffield or Miss Galley for details of the current programmes on offer.
Family Wellbeing
These sessions focus on what wellbeing is, what it looks like in family life, strategies to create greater family wellbeing whilst working on increasing our parents skills, confidence and self-esteem.
Phonics Workshops
We hold classroom based phonics workshops periodically throughout the school year. They are an important part of supporting families with understanding how phonics is delivered at Forest and help to support parents in developing their child's phonics skills.