The Forest Academy

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Parents  »  Educational Visits

A copy of the Educational Visits Policy can be accessed on our School Policies website page on the below link: 
School Policies

Visits play an essential role in our curriculum and support our vision that children will be challenged and achieve high standards through an exciting and enriched curriculum.  Visits are planned within the locality and further afield to places of interest or relevance to curriculum areas being studied.

We take Risk Assessments very seriously and will always ensure that the risk of taking a group of pupils off-site is correctly mitigated through a range of measures, including a high adult-pupil ratio and the use of trusted coach companies. Each individual trip is thoroughly investigated for its suitability for hosting school groups and an individual risk assessment completed. Parents can request to see these at any time prior to a trip taking place.

Parents will be notified of all visits in writing and will be asked to give their consent for anything other than a local area walk. Trips at The Forest Academy are heavily subsidised but we may from time to time request a voluntary contribution from parents/carers in order that a proposed trip can go ahead.

In addition to trips associated with learning and the curriculum, we also offer two whole schools trips each year as a reward for continuous positive behavior, learning and attitudes. For the Christmas term, the WHOLE school goes to the Cinema to watch a film. At the end of the Summer term, FS and KS1 take part in a fun day which includes fairground rides, animal workshops, magic shows AND an ice cream parlour! KS2 pupils go to Drayton Manor theme park to enjoy the thrill of the big rides! 

Educational Visits Co-ordinators at Forest:
Sarah Morrison- Office Manager
Georgia law- Family/ Admin Liason Officer